방사선 변이 생물 평가
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방사선 변이 생물 평가
  •   다양한 원자력(방사능) 사고에 따른 생물 돌연변이 평가
  •   식물, 동물, 미생물, 해샹 생태계, 그리고 육상생태계를 분자지구화학적 방법으로 관리, 감시, 모니터링 모델 개발
Fig. 1. Nak-dong As-bi mine biomarkers presented according to mutation. the ssensitivity of mini-SSCP to detect p53 mutations was evaluated using wild-type (WT) and mutant type (MT) p53 PCR products obtained from normal and abnomal Onychodoctytys fischeri. Whenleft thigh (fore lmb: abnomality teratongenesis) (a), left thigh (hing led) (b) and near right thigh (hind leg) ((c), (d)) of the WT (wild-type) were compared with the MT group (mutant type) 2 bands were observed in case a in mutant type (MT) salamanders and 1-2 bands were observed in case (b), (c) and (d). The get at the top is an 8.0 x 8.0 x 0.1 cm 4-20% polyacrylamide gradient TBE gel (Novem. Inc. San Diego. CA) that was run at 300 V for 1 h at room temperature with 1XTBE buffer. DNA sequencing of cloned PCR products. The positions of mutated nucleotides are noted for the case of the left forelegs (A: codon 244 TTT to TTA), left thigh (B: position 1347 bp A to G), near night thigh (C: codon 345 AAG to ATG) and near right thigh (D: 244, 245 TTTGAG to TTTTGAG). The sample was analyzed using an automated DNA sequencer (Model 3100; ABI PRISMⓇ Genetic Analyzer System Profile. USA).