비소 유도 발암성 평가
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  •   폐광산 복원 전/후 생물종 평가
  •   비소(중금속) 노출된 환경 분자지구화학적 연구 기술적·정책적 지원
  •   다양한 환경에서 비소에 노출된 생물 돌연변이 평가 및 독성/위해성/발암 평가
Fig. 3. Gandcheonsan County Park biomakers presented according to mutation. The sensitivity of mini-SSCP to detect p53 mutations was evaluated using wild-type(WT) and mutant type (MT) p53 PCR products fro normal and abnormal Hynobius leechii. In the ccases of the As-exposure (none) (C), As-exposure (0.25 mM: test no A4) (D) and type (MT): where 2 bands were observed incase b and b1. The positions of the mutated nucleoride are noted: for the ase of the right thigh (fore limb: abnormality teratogenesis) (A: codon 245 GAG to CAG), right thigh (fore limb) (B1: position 26 AGG to AA), and near tail (B: coden 249 TGT to TGA). The gel at the top is an 8.0 x 8.0 x 0.1 cm, 4-20% polyacrylamid gradient TBE gel (Novex, Inc. San Diego. CA) that was run at 300 V for 1 h at room temperature with !XTBE buffer. DNA sequencing of cloned PCR products. The samples were analyzed using an automated DNA sequencer (Model 3100: ABI PRISM* Genetic Analyzer System Profile. USA).